National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021
This bill authorizes FY2021 appropriations and sets forth policies for Department of Defense (DOD) programs and activities, including military personnel strengths. It does not provide budget authority, which is provided in subsequent appropriations legislation.
The bill authorizes appropriations to DOD for
- Procurement, including aircraft, weapons and tracked combat vehicles, shipbuilding and conversion, missiles, and ammunition;
- Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation;
- Operation and Maintenance;
- Working Capital Funds;
- Chemical Agents and Munitions Destruction;
- Drug Interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities;
- the Defense Inspector General;
- the Defense Health Program;
- the Armed Forces Retirement Home;
- the Space Force;
- Overseas Contingency Operations; and
- Military Construction.
The bill also authorizes the FY2021 personnel strength for active duty and reserve forces.