Rules Committee Resolution H. Res. 1518 Reported to House. Rule provides for consideration of H.R. 1948, S. 3905 and S. 4003. Rule provides for one hour of general debate each for H.R. 1948, S. 3905, S. 4003. Rule provides for one hour of general debate on the Senate amendment to H.R. 1437. Rule provides that H. Res. 1516 and H. Con. Res. 124 are adopted. Rule provides that the House shall be considered to have taken from the Speaker's table H.R. 2617, with the Senate amendments thereto, to have concurred in the Senate amendments numbered 1, 2, 3, and 5, and to have concurred in the Senate amendment numbered 4 with an amendment consisting of the text of Rules Committee Print 117-73. (consideration: CR H9745-9751)