Protecting and Restoring Our Trees by Enhancing Conservation and Treatments Act or the PROTECT Act
This bill categorically excludes forest management activities carried out on specified public lands from requirements to conduct environmental assessments and environmental impact statements. In order to be excluded from environmental review, the primary purposes of such activities must be to
- address insect or disease infestations,
- reduce hazardous fuel loads,
- protect municipal water sources,
- protect critical habitats from catastrophic disturbances,
- increase water yield,
- remove dead or dying trees or trees at high risk of dying, or
- facilitate native species restoration.
The bill limits the categorical exclusion to activities that manage up to 10,000 acres of land. However, activities that manage up to 30,000 acres of land may be categorically excluded from environmental review if the activities are developed through a collaborative process, proposed by certain resource advisory committees, or covered by community wildfire protection plans.