America Creating Opportunities for Manufacturing, Pre-Eminence in Technology, and Economic Strength Act of 2022 or the America COMPETES Act of 2022 This bill covers scientific research, economic competitiveness, and various other matters. Specifically, the bill provides funding for the domestic production of semiconductors; requires the federal government to undertake efforts related to cybersecurity, defense procurements, and inflation; modifies the Department of Homeland Security's activities, including by requiring domestic sources for certain procurements; sets out financial regulations for cannabis-related businesses and revises other aspects of the financial system; imposes liability on certain e-commerce platforms for third-party trademark infringement, changes immigration provisions that apply to, for example, entrepreneurs; expands premerger notification requirements; revises ocean shipping provisions; and requires the Small Business Administration to issue guidance for childcare operators. Additionally, the bill reauthorizes, establishes, and modifies (1) scientific research programs within the Office of Science and Technology Policy, the Department of Energy, and other federal research agencies; (2) transportation and infrastructure programs, including a pilot program for areas in persistent economic distress; and (3) education and workforce programs with an emphasis on science, technology, engineering, and math. The bill also addresses diplomatic, security, and other foreign relations matters, with a focus on China. Additionally, it renews certain reductions and suspensions of duties on U.S. imports and supports enforcement of trade laws. Further, foreign persons with interests in U.S. agricultural land must make specified disclosures more frequently. Other matters addressed in the bill include (1) supply chains for critical sectors, (2) energy and wireless communications technology, and (3) the conservation and use of natural resources (e.g., marine life and renewable energy).