Land Between the Lakes Recreation and Heritage Act or the LBL Recreation and Heritage Act This bill addresses the administration of the Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area in Kentucky and Tennessee. The bill decreases from 17 to 13 the number of members who compose the Land Between the Lakes Advisory Board. The bill permits members of the advisory board to serve multiple terms, but not serve consecutive terms. In addition to carrying out its current activities, the advisory board shall develop an annual work plan for recreation and environment education areas in the Recreation Area, including the heritage program, with the nonappropriated amounts in the Land Between the Lakes Management Fund; develop an annual forest management and harvest plan for the Recreation Area; and maintain the balance and status of the fund. The bill requires the advisory board to meet at least twice each year. The Department of Agriculture (USDA) shall charge (currently may charge) reasonable fees, as determined by the advisory board, for admission to and the use of the designated sites, or for activities, within the recreation area. The bill states that amounts in the fund shall be available to USDA to perform new work or deferred maintenance in the recreation area and shall not be available for the payment of salaries or other expenses. USDA, on request from a qualified resident or relative or a cemetery association, shall grant additional land for the expansion of existing cemeteries within the recreation area to allow for the burial of qualified residents or relatives.