This bill establishes a pilot program for deploying economic response teams that provide emergency technical assistance and support to a partner country subjected to the threat or use of coercive economic measures by a U.S. adversary. These teams also play a liaison role between the legitimate government of a partner country and the U.S. government.
To carry out the program, the Department of State must identify U.S. government personnel across multiple departments who have relevant expertise to serve on teams and provide logistical and institutional support for the program and its teams.
To deploy a team, the President must declare, and notify Congress of, a coercive economic emergency (i.e., an unusual and extraordinary economic coercive threat to a partner country made by a U.S. adversary). The initial deployment may last for up to 180 days; the President may extend a deployment by submitting to Congress a justification for the extension in the interest of national security.
The State Department must provide to Congress an initial report following the establishment of the program and a subsequent report about its first year of operation. Authority for the program terminates on December 1, 2026.