Federal Disaster Assistance Coordination Act
This bill extends the deadline by which the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) must (1) conduct a study and develop a plan under which the collection of information from disaster assistance applicants and grantees will be made less burdensome, duplicative, and time consuming for applicants and grantees; and (2) develop a plan for the regular collection and reporting of information on federal disaster assistance awarded.
Not later than two years after enactment of this bill, FEMA shall convene a working group on a regular basis to identify (1) potential areas of duplication or fragmentation in preliminary damage assessments after disaster declarations; and (2) potential emerging technologies, such as Unmanned Aircraft Systems (i.e., drones), to expedite the administration of preliminary damage assessments.
FEMA must submit a comprehensive report on the plans for streamlining and consolidating information collection and preliminary damage assessments and the findings and recommendations of the working group to Congress with a briefing. The report must be made available to the public and posted on FEMA's website.