Artificial Intelligence Accountability Act or the AI Accountability Act
This bill requires the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to study and report on accountability measures for artificial intelligence (AI) systems. (Generally, AI refers to computerized systems that work and react in ways commonly thought to require human intelligence, such as certain systems that solve complex problems in real-world situations.)
Specifically, the NTIA must study, solicit stakeholder feedback about, and report to Congress concerning mechanisms (e.g., audits, certifications, and assessments) to provide assurances that an AI system is trustworthy. Among other topics, the study, feedback, and report must address how the various accountability measures are currently incorporated into AI systems, their effectiveness, and barriers to their creation.
In addition, the NTIA must consult with stakeholders through public meetings to develop recommendations about the information that should be available to consumers who interact with AI systems and the methods for making that information available.