Securing Unhoused Peoples' Program for Outreach Resources and Transportation For SNAP Act or the SUPPORT For SNAP Act
This bill directs the Department of Agriculture (USDA) to establish a pilot program to raise awareness among and provide support for homeless individuals eligible for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).
Under the program, USDA must award grants to eligible entities (e.g., state and local agencies, nonprofit and community-based organizations, and community action agencies) to (1) raise awareness among homeless individuals of the availability, eligibility requirements, application procedures, and benefits of SNAP; (2) support homeless individuals in enrolling in SNAP; and (3) train outreach workers, caseworkers, and others on SNAP application and program requirements.
The bill specifies that a grant recipient may only use program funding to supplement (and not supplant) the level of state or local funds that would be available in the absence of the grant funds.