Systemic Risk Authority Transparency Act
This bill requires banking regulators to submit a report in the event of the failure of an insured depository institution that leads to a systemic risk determination by the Department of the Treasury.
Regulators must report confidential supervisory information relating to the institution, any institutional mismanagement by the executives and the board, any shortcomings by the regulator, and recommendations to improve the safety and soundness of similarly situated institutions. This report must be made no later than 60 days after such a determination and again 180 days afterwards.
The Governmental Accountability Office (GAO) must report on additional factors in its report regarding such a determination. Specifically, GAO must report on any mismanagement by the executives and board of the institution, a review of the institution's compensation practices, supervisory or regulatory shortcomings, actions taken by regulators, and other relevant information. The bill also requires this report to be made no later than 60 days after such a determination and again 180 days afterwards.