Protecting Kids on Social Media Act
This bill requires social media platforms to verify the age of account holders and limits access to such platforms by children.
Specifically, social media platforms (1) must verify the age of account holders, (2) may not allow an individual to create or continue to use an account unless the individual's age has been verified, and (3) must limit access to the platform for children under the age of 13. Social media platforms may not use or retain any information collected during the age verification process for any other purpose.
Further, platforms must take reasonable steps to (1) require affirmative consent from the parent or guardian of a minor who is at least 13 years old to create an account for the minor on the platform, and (2) provide the parent or guardian with the ability to revoke such consent.
Social media platforms may not use the personal data of an individual in an algorithmic recommendation system unless the individual is at least 18 years old according to the platform's age verification process.
The bill requires the Department of Commerce to establish a voluntary pilot program to provide secure digital identification credentials for individuals to use when verifying their age on social media platforms. Commerce may issue rules for social media companies to enroll in the program.
The bill provides for enforcement by the Federal Trade Commission and state attorneys general (or other authorized state officials).