See Something, Say Something Online Act of 2023
This bill requires a provider of an interactive computer service (e.g., a social media company) to submit an activity report to the Department of Justice if it detects the transmission of any post, message, comment, tag, or other user-generated content or transmission that commits, facilitates, incites, promotes, or otherwise assists the commission of a major crime.
The activity report describing the transmission must contain (1) the name, location, and other identification information submitted by the user; (2) the date and nature of the user-generated content or transmission detected for suspicious activity; and (3) any relevant text, information, and metadata related to the suspicious transmission.
If a provider fails to report a known suspicious transmission, the bill eliminates federal liability protection (sometimes referred to as Section 230 protection) for claims related to that transmission. (Generally, Section 230 provides federal immunity that prevents providers and users of interactive computer services from being held liable for transmitting or taking down user-generated content.)