Sustainable Farms, Fibers, and Forests Act of 2023
This bill includes support for sustainable fibers and agroforestry in the Local Agriculture Market Program (LAMP). This Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) program supports the development, coordination, and expansion of direct producer-to-consumer marketing, local and regional food markets and enterprises, and value-added agricultural products.
Specifically, the bill includes sustainable fibers in the definition of food, allowing producers of sustainable fibers to access LAMP food and food system programs. Under the bill, sustainable fibers are fibers produced by farming operations that use sustainable cropping or grazing systems, including textile products from plant-based fibers, animal-based fibers and products, and natural dye products.
Further, the AMS grant selection process for regional food partnerships must ensure, to the maximum extent practicable, diversity among the types of agricultural products, including sustainable fibers.
In addition, LAMP grants may be used for agroforestry, including demonstration infrastructure for farmer or landowner learning.