Protect America's Children from Toxic Pesticides Act
This bill amends the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) for various purposes, including to modify definitions, cancel or limit the registration of certain pesticides and active ingredients, and create a cause of action for individuals for FIFRA violations.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) must immediately suspend the registration of any active ingredient or pesticide product that is banned or otherwise prohibited from entering the market by the European Union, one or more countries in the European Union, or Canada.
The EPA must not permit the continued sale or use of existing stocks of a pesticide with a suspended or canceled registration or that is vacated or set aside by judicial decree.
The bill implements a reporting requirement and other protections related to farmworkers who are exposed to certain pesticide elements (e.g., active ingredients) that result in illness, injury, disability, or death.
Among other elements, the bill also
- creates a process by which an interested person may submit a rulemaking petition to designate an active ingredient or pesticide product as a dangerous pesticide;
- requires entities that have been granted conditional pesticide registrations to satisfy the conditions of the registration within two years;
- limits the ability of the EPA to grant emergency exemptions for certain active ingredients or pesticide products;
- cancels the registration of organophosphates, neonicotinoids, and paraquat;
- requires the disclosure of inert ingredients in the ingredient statement for pesticide products; and
- authorizes individuals to bring a civil action against the EPA for alleged failures to comply with provisions under FIFRA.