Frequently Asked Questions


Why should I trust UnPac?

In a perfect world there shouldn’t be a way to pay politicians at all. But that is not happening. Big industries and special interest groups have found countless ways to pre-pay politicians via PACs and other means.

The current way is clearly not working and is taking the voice away from the common citizen.

The real question is how much longer can we trust the status quo before our democracy is only for the rich?

Why does UnPac take a portion of the proceeds?

Obviously there are costs in maintaining a website but on top of that we fully expect special interest groups to try to use legal means to block the people from having a say in politics. UnPac takes a portion of the proceeds to enlist lawyers to help with our fight.

What happens if a bill I donated to doesn’t go my way?

If a bill doesn’t go your way, you will have a credit in your account to be put towards any bill you like. It can be a similar bill, or anything else you believe in.

Can I get a refund?

Because we use traditional forms of payment (Credit Cards, Wire transfers, etc) all charges are refundable up until the bill becomes a law (if you vote in favor), or it fails (if you vote for it to fail). After that the donation goes to the lawmakers next campaign.

How do I know the money will be used as intended?

UnPac keeps a small percentage as a processing fee to power our platform, the majority goes directly to the lawmaker's next election campaign fund that voted in line with the winning direction (yeah or neigh).

The processing fee will be used to keep the lights on with the intention of transitioning to more traditional forms of payment processing (Credit Cards, Wire transfers, etc). When those methods go online, we will also allow the losing contributions to be refundable.

Site Usage

How do I create an account?

Just use any one of the single sign on methods (Google, Twitter) or click on the register button. You will need to show you are a United States citizen in order for your contribution to be allocated to lawmakers.

How can I see progress on a bill?

Every bill landing page will have a full breakdown of the process of a bill. If it’s been passed by the House, passed by the senate, and finally if it’s been ratified by the president. Of course, it will have full details if and where the bill failed as well.

Am I able to see a list of bill supporters?

The United States has very open records pertaining to lawmakers' votes on any particular bill. We will link to ProPublica’s bill details page for all that information.

As it relates to contributions to bills within, we do not ever publically share individual's infortmation. This is both for legal reasons as well as safety and anonymity.

We do reserve the right to use data on a zip or county-wide basis so that future lawmakers can build platforms from the specific desires of their constituents.

Can I support more than one bill?

You can support as many bills as you would like, both for or against, as many times as you will like. The contributions and side of the vote are completely anonymous and we will never be shared outside of UnPac.

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